Alpha Athlete is our core group class. Alpha Athlete combines every aspect of training needed in a progressive, detailed system designed to teach and maximize the mechanics of overall athleticism while developing a foundation of strength, stability, and power. A
Standard Alpha Athlete offers access to 8 classes per month to our Alpha Athlete Group Training Program
Memberships allow the choice of daily classes that best-fit members weekly schedules.
Members will build a profile and have access to our Alpha Athlete App providing individualized workouts with video descriptions of exercises, personalized nutrition plans, and all progress made in workouts and assessments.
Daily classes offered are AA Strength and AA Speed. AA Strength implements more of a strength focus and Speed provides more a speed and agilty focus. AA Speed is offered 2x/ week.
Free for first 3 days
After completing your 3 days, your subscription will continue at $150 per month.